List of The Transformers episodes

This is a list containing the episodes of The Transformers, an animated television series depicting a war among giant robots who could transform into vehicles, other objects and animals. Written and recorded in America, the series was animated in Japan. The entire series was based upon the line of transforming toys originally created by Japanese toy manufacturer Takara, which were developed into the Transformers line by American company Hasbro.

In the USA, the show aired a total of 98 episodes between 1984 and 1987. The episodes are ordered chronologically by broadcast date.


Series overview

Season Episodes Originally aired
Season premiere Season finale
Miniseries 3 September 17, 1984 (1984-09-17) September 19, 1984 (1984-09-19)
1 13 October 6, 1984 (1984-10-06) December 15, 1984 (1984-12-15)
2 49 September 23, 1985 (1985-09-23) January 9, 1986 (1986-01-09)
3 30 September 15, 1986 (1986-09-15) March 3, 1987 (1987-03-03)
4 3 November 9, 1987 (1987-11-09) November 11, 1987 (1987-11-11)
Generation 2
1 52 August 20, 1993 (1993-08-20) September 23, 1993 (1993-09-23)

Generation 1

Miniseries (1984)

# Title Written by Original airdate Production
1 1 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 1)" George Arthur Bloom September 17, 1984 (1984-09-17) MP4023
Constant war between the Autobots and the Decepticons on Cybertron has caused great hardship. Both need supplies, and select numbers from each side and intend to get them. The Autobots weren't looking for a fight with the Decepticons, but they get one out in space anyway. When the Decepticons board the Autobots' ship it takes a beating and crashes onto Primitive Earth and knocks everyone unconscious. Millions of years later, in 1984 a volcano eruption causes a probe to give them all new forms which come from vehicles in the surrounding area. They all get awoken- leading to a renewed conflict and the inclusion of humans. 
2 2 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 2)" George Arthur Bloom September 18, 1984 (1984-09-18) MP4024
Things continue to progress; with the Decepticons on the move, and the Autobots gaining Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky as allies. Still, two humans may not make a difference. The long dormancy has merely delayed Megatron and the Decepticons' ambitions, and they prove increasingly proficient in making up for lost time. Repeated clashes lead to a bigger one in a Decepticon mine and even bigger danger. 
3 3 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 3)" George Arthur Bloom September 19, 1984 (1984-09-19) MP4025
Following the latest action, both sides are basically back to where they started. The Autobots use Ravage and some holograms in an attempt to lure the Decepticons into a final defeat. Ravage escapes informing Megatron proves even sneakier seeing through Optimus' ruse and keeping them distracted from interfering in his own plans. Even worse, the Decepticons are done plundering Earth. With a ship ready and Cybertron in great danger, an all-out battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons looms. 

Season 1 (1984)

# # Title Written by Original airdate Production
4 1 "Transport to Oblivion" Dick Robbins & Bryce Malek October 6, 1984 (1984-10-06) 700-01
Returning to Cybertron with energy is the Decepticons' top priority. The new space bridge could do that, but it has problems like possibly being fatal to whoever tries to go through it. Finding where the Decepticons are hiding, Bumblebee and Spike discover what they are doing only they don't have a chance to warn Optimus. The Decepticons instead have nasty plans for them. A space bridge trip awaits Spike, while a little reprogramming on Bumblebee threatens to see the Decepticons finally destroy the other Autobots. 
5 2 "Roll for It" George Arthur Bloom October 13, 1984 (1984-10-13) 700-02
With Megatron assumed dead, Starscream seizes power and does things his way. Naturally, only the Autobots benefit from his 'command' style. This also gives Bumblebee and Spike time to relax with Chip Chase. They end up getting involved in a scientist's new anti-matter experiments. Megatron is back and again in charge of the Decepticons. It turns out that he has big plans for the anti-matter meaning big trouble for everyone, especially Chip. 
6 3 "Divide and Conquer" Donald F. Glut October 20, 1984 (1984-10-20) 700-03
The Autobots prevent the Decepticons from harming a weapons factory, but at a heavy price: Optimus himself. His life is on the line, but Wheeljack knows exactly how to save him before it's too late. Problem is, the required part is back on Cybertron in his old laboratory. Bumblebee, Trailbreaker, Bluesteak, and Chip Chase leave to save Optimus. Without Optimus Prime in command, the Autobots are left vulnerable as Megatron hatches a plan to destroy the team on Cybertron. 
7 4 "Fire in the Sky" Story: Doug Booth
Teleplay: Leo D. Paur
December 8, 1984 (1984-12-08) 700-04
Megatron believes that the key to a Decepticon victory lies in the North Pole, but quite suddenly not just via a new energy scheme. The brilliant, frozen Skyfire awaits, and it turns out he has been there for millions of years. It also turns out that he and Starscream shared something of a friendship in the past, something he hasn't forgotten. Now, the Autobots face Skyfire and the results aren't pretty. It seems like Megatron's victory is assured, but the key to convincing Skyfire of the truth involves the captured Spike and Sparkplug. 
8 5 "S.O.S. Dinobots" Donald F. Glut October 27, 1984 (1984-10-27) 700-05
A little extra muscle in the Autobot ranks would certainly be welcome. Coincidentally, nearby dinosaur fossils provide the necessary means. Soon enough, Wheeljack unveils Grimlock, Slag and Sludge. Their poor intelligence and great strength make for an uncomfortable combination. Optimus sees all of this as a mistake shutting down the Dinobots before they can harm themselves or anyone else. However, a sudden and devastating Decepticon attack prompts reconsidering this policy. 
9 6 "Fire on the Mountain" Douglas Booth December 22, 1984 (1984-12-22) 700-06
There is a crystal of massive power out there. Both sides become aware of it and the Decepticons reach it first. It can power a weapon destructive enough to eliminate the Autobots and decide the fate of Earth once and for all. Only Windcharger, Brawn and Skyfire are in range to stop them before it's too late. 
10 7 "War of the Dinobots" Story: Doug Booth
Teleplay: Larry Strauss
November 24, 1984 (1984-11-24) 700-07
Certainly, the Dinobots give the Autobots something of an advantage over the Decepticons in battle. Naturally, Megatron wants that advantage to be his instead. That doesn't prove very difficult to do, so the Autobots are soon facing the battle fury of Grimlock, Slag and Sludge. The only chance of setting things right lies with the construction and success of the newest set of Dinobots Snarl and Swoop
11 8 "The Ultimate Doom: Brainwash (Part 1)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Larry Strauss
November 3, 1984 (1984-11-03) 700-08
Sparkplug gets left behind when all of the Autobots believe they have a major Decepticon problem at Maharaja. In truth, the Decepticons put one over on them to leave their base vulnerable and kidnap Sparkplug. Dr. Arkeville enslaves Sparkplug for Megatron with a hypno-chip as a test of the device. It works and more humans will soon follow. Megatron has a dangerous new scheme in the works, and it includes a new space bridge. As for Sparkplug, it is decided that he can better serve Megatron when among the Autobots, ultimately making them vulnerable to a new attack. 
12 9 "The Ultimate Doom: Search (Part 2)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Earl Kress
November 10, 1984 (1984-11-10) 700-09
Cybertron's nearby presence has sent Earth and everyone on it into chaos. The Autobots and the Dinobots have their hands full trying to protect innocents and themselves from every possible natural disaster. Undoing what Megatron has done is a major priority, but so is rescuing Sparkplug. He is currently a Decepticon prisoner on Cybertron, and the Autobots aren't about to hang him out to dry. Spike and an Autobot team are sent out, but Sparkplug is still wearing a hypno-chip meaning more danger than expected. Meanwhile, the Earth-bound Autobots try to stop Megatron. 
13 10 "The Ultimate Doom: Revival (Part 3)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Leo D. Paur
November 17, 1984 (1984-11-17) 700-10
Cybertron is proving most unwelcome to Spike and the team of Autobots. However, the only chance of disabling the hypno-chips can be found there. Wheeljack quickly gets to work on that in his laboratory. Sparkplug is soon free, but numerous others aren't so lucky at the moment. Meanwhile, Megatron has nearly succeeded and is preparing the final stages of his energy plan. The site is an island and massive tidal waves threaten the human slaves there. Optimus leads his remaining team into battle to stop Megatron once and for all. 
14 11 "Countdown to Extinction" Reed Robbins & Peter Salas December 1, 1984 (1984-12-01) 700-11
It seems like things are back to normal, but Starscream is about to shake everything up. Dangerous equipment from Dr. Arkeville's laboratory is capable of granting him more power than even he can imagine. Problem is, if Starscream isn't stopped, everyone on Earth will die in the process and Cybertron will be his. Shockwave learns what is going on and reports on it. True salvation for both planets rests on the most unlikely alliance of all Optimus and Megatron. 
15 12 "A Plague of Insecticons" Donald F. Glut December 29, 1984 (1984-12-29) 700-12
The Insecticons have come to Earth. They certainly give the Autobots and the Decepticons good reason to take notice. The Insecticons have more in common with the latter than the former. These collective enemies don't scare the Autobots into submission, but bravery is hardly enough. Faced with such sheer power, the Autobots must rely on their intelligence and all of their resources to win. 
16 13 "Heavy Metal War" Donald F. Glut December 15, 1984 (1984-12-15) 700-85
The war gets more crowded with the sudden introduction of the Constructicons. However, rather than simply just providing raw numbers, they serve a greater purpose for Megatron. Their construction ingenuity ultimately gives Megatron every unique ability his team possesses. Of course, Optimus Prime is his primary target and in official combat. Per the terms, the loser must take his team off Earth forever. Given Megatron's current power and the Autobots being kept in the dark about it, how can Optimus possibly win this challenge? 

Season 2 (1985)

# Title Written by Original airdate Production
17 1 "Autobot Spike" Donald F. Glut September 23, 1985 (1985-09-23) 700-16
Another routine Autobot/Decepticon battle has disastrous consequences for Spike. Quick and drastic action is, naturally, taken by the Autobots and Sparkplug on his behalf. The required, physical operation is quite normal (though difficult), but what is done with his mind isn't. It turns out that Autobot X a body cobbled together earlier by Sparkplug is used to keep Spike's mind safe in the interim. Autobot Spike has obvious problems and Megatron gladly takes advantage of that. Now, the Autobots will have to face their old friend in battle. 
18 2 "The Immobilizer" Earl Kress September 24, 1985 (1985-09-24) 700-21
An opportunity to defeat the Decepticons arises, courtesy of Wheeljack and a new invention. The effects may only be temporary, but the Immobilizer lives up to its name against any Transformer. Little time passes before the Decepticons learn about it. A new friend to the Autobots Carly unwittingly helps them. Now, the soon-modified Immobilizer gives the Decepticons the means to end the war once and for all. Pretty soon, only Brawn and Jazz are left standing leaving them, Spike and Carly a lot of work to do. 
19 3 "Dinobot Island (Part 1)" Donald F. Glut September 25, 1985 (1985-09-25) 700-29
Despite possessing great power, the well-meaning Dinobots prove to be just as dangerous as Decepticons. The latest instance shows Optimus and the other Autobots just how much this needs to change. Some serious training should clear this up, but they need a place where no one else will get caught in the middle. A new island seems to fit the bill, but the Dinobots won't be alone there. Dinosaurs are very much alive there, and even worse its natural resources soon garner Decepticon attention. 
20 4 "Dinobot Island (Part 2)" Donald F. Glut September 26, 1985 (1985-09-26) 700-30
The energy-hungry Decepticons get down to business on Dinobot Island. As bad as that is for everything on the island, the rest of the world suffers even more. Somehow, various temporal displacements occur and all sorts of things emerge. This mess distracts the Autobots from the real problem the Decepticons. It is ultimately up to the Dinobots to save the day, but have they finally gotten their act together? 
21 5 "Traitor" George Hampton & Mike Moore September 27, 1985 (1985-09-27) 700-20
It is believed that the electrocells could be very valuable assets in the war. The lure of this power brings the Decepticons and the Insecticons together again. They've had problems with each other in the past, however problems that Mirage tries to exploit to the Autobots' advantage. He is found out and Bombshell attaches a cerebro-shell to him. With Mirage their puppet, the Decepticons and the Insecticons intend to finish the Autobots once and for all. 
22 6 "Enter the Nightbird" Richard Milton & Sylvia Wilson September 30, 1985 (1985-09-30) 700-25
The Autobots have been busy marking crucial energy locations for easy use and protection purposes. Naturally, this is something that the Decepticons desperately want. This is a solo mission, and they need someone that get in and out quickly. Meanwhile, word spreads about the new, powerful Nightbird being developed giving Megatron an idea. Under Decepticon control, Nightbird embarks on her mission into the Autobot base. Can the Autobots thwart the Decepticon plot and overcome Nightbird's martial arts techniques? 
23 7 "Changing Gears" Larry Parr October 1, 1985 (1985-10-01) 700-17
Gears is in one very foul mood, so nothing is really new there. However, the Decepticons suddenly strike and get the drop on him. The thing is, all they want from him is his personality cartridge. Now, Gears has one heck of a sunny disposition no matter who he is around. Meanwhile, the Decepticons have the final component for the space needle. If they aren't stopped, the sun itself will be destroyed. 
24 8 "A Prime Problem" Dick Robbins & Bryce Malek October 2, 1985 (1985-10-02) 700-26
There are suddenly two Optimus Primes running around giving the genuine article and the other Autobots a lot to digest. Figuring out which Optimus is which proves very difficult for the Autobots. One is the original, while the other is merely a Decepticon-created copy. This has all been orchestrated by Megatron, as the bait for a deadly chasm trap. Will the Autobots be able to see through this ruse, and is there anything that Optimus can do to prove his identity? 
25 9 "Atlantis, Arise!" Douglas Booth October 3, 1985 (1985-10-03) 700-23
The Decepticons stumble upon a magnificent find: the legendary Atlantis. They believe that Atlantean forces could prove invaluable to them finally winning the war. Once at the surface level, the battle-hungry Atlanteans strike and strike hard. The Autobots face tough times and Washington, D.C. is next. However, while enjoying the sights, the Decepticons had better keep their own guard up around their supposed Atlantean allies. 
26 10 "Attack of the Autobots" David Wise October 4, 1985 (1985-10-04) 700-19
A solar power satellite is desired by the Decepticons. To pull off the theft, they need the Autobots out of the way. Rather than try to destroy them, however, Megatron hatches a plan to change their loyalties instead. The keys to this plot are sabotaged energy rechargers in the Autobot base. Now, when they use them, the unknowing Autobots are imprinted with Decepticon ideals and forced to act just like them. Only Bumblebee and Jazz escape this fate. Sparkplug comes up with an invention to change the Autobots back, but they still have to stop the Decepticons. 
27 11 "Microbots" David Wise October 7, 1985 (1985-10-07) 700-33
The Decepticons finally locate their old ship missing since the crash on Earth millions of years ago. Above all else on it, Megatron wants and claims the Heart Of Cybertron. He becomes more powerful than ever and easily crushes anyone who stands against him. This is all very bad, but it threatens to get worse. The Autobots learn that the Heart Of Cybertron will soon explode and take many with it including Megatron himself. The only way to tamp down this threat is for Perceptor, Bumblebee and Brawn to embark on a 'fantastic voyage.' Megatron's body proves most inhospitable to the three Autobots, but inner conflicts also threaten their mission. 
28 12 "The Master Builder" David N. Gottlieb & Herb Engelhart October 8, 1985 (1985-10-08) 700-31
The Constructicons suddenly get the drop on the desert-bound Grapple and Hoist. However, they claim to not be looking for a fight, but instead looking to help in the Autobot cause. They prove their newfound loyalties by using their skills on Grapple's powerful solar energy-collection tower schematics. Grapple is thrilled at the opportunity, especially since Optimus turned it down earlier. The Constructicons are lying and Megatron plans to use the powerful tower for himself. 
29 13 "The Insecticon Syndrome" Douglas Booth October 9, 1985 (1985-10-09) 700-28
A base is suddenly under a combined Decepticon/Insecticon attack. Even worse, the Insecticons stumble upon new energy becoming more powerful and dangerous than ever before. The Autobots take a severe beating against them and Soundwave is even captured. Bombshell takes control of his mind, but he doesn't stop there going after every Decepticon, too. Pretty soon, only Megatron is left, and he is forced to turn to the Autobots for help. Defeating the Insecticons will require something other than brute force, however. 
30 14 "Day of the Machines" David Wise October 10, 1985 (1985-10-10) 700-24
The Torq III supercomputer is online and promises to be of good use to humanity. Torq III isn't a secret from Megatron. In short order, a little reprogramming grants the Decepticons practically endless supplies of oil. The Autobots quickly go to work in order to try to foil Megatron's current plan, but a difficult choice must be made. 
31 15 "Megatron's Master Plan (Part 1)" Donald F. Glut October 14, 1985 (1985-10-14) 700-34
The Autobots have long been considered the champions of humanity and the best defense against the Decepticons. However, Megatron decides to try to tarnish that image. A politician even sees the value in such a venture and actively helps him. The Autobots' popularity quickly takes a nosedive, and Earth become very unwelcome to the noble Transformers. 
32 16 "Megatron's Master Plan (Part 2)" Donald F. Glut October 15, 1985 (1985-10-15) 700-35
The plan has worked leaving the Autobots exiled from Earth. Free to do as they please, the Decepticons gladly prepare to take advantage. Earth is completely defenseless against them, but more immediate concerns await the Autobots out in space. Megatron ensures a different destination for his foes than Cybertron a one-way course to destruction. Can the Autobots escape and save Earth? 
33 17 "Auto Berserk" Antoni Zalewski October 16, 1985 (1985-10-16) 700-32
A recently-constructed tank has massive destructive capabilities, especially if the Decepticons get it. The Autobots mean to ensure that the last possibility doesn't happen, but something goes wrong for Red Alert. Damage leaves him acting paranoid about virtually everything. This proves to be very good news for the traitorous Starscream, as he needs help in a scheme to use the tank to get the better of both the Autobots and the Decepticons. On top of that, Red Alert's damage threatens to off-line him for good. Can Inferno save the day? 
34 18 "City of Steel" Douglas Booth October 17, 1985 (1985-10-17) 700-18
The Decepticons hit New York City, and most definitely not for the sights. Instead, New Yorkers may have to get used to living in vastly different conditions. Even worse, the Decepticons foil Optimus' attempt to stop them and exact a vicious toll on him. Now, in addition to undoing what has been done to New York City, the other Autobots must rebuild their leader from numerous parts. Problem is, they will have to scour the city first to do so. 
35 19 "Desertion of the Dinobots (Part 1)" Earl Kress October 21, 1985 (1985-10-21) 700-36
The Dinobots feel taken for granted for lately. This couldn't have come at a worse time, though, as a deadly scourge strikes every other Transformer. Only Cybertronium can cure their collective ills, but only the Decepticons have easy access to it. With the Autobots in serious trouble, the Dinobots are practically left to decide whether they will live or die. 
36 20 "Desertion of the Dinobots (Part 2)" Earl Kress October 22, 1985 (1985-10-22) 700-37
Things get worse for the Autobots, while the Decepticons are back to full strength. With the Dinobots gone, hope certainly seems lost. On Cybertron, Spike and Carly appeal to the Dinobots for their help. Even if the two humans can succeed, though, the Decepticons intend to make sure that the Autobots never even lay eyes on Cybertronium under any circumstances. Saving the day ends up falling to Swoop and the two humans. 
37 21 "Blaster Blues" Larry Strauss October 23, 1985 (1985-10-23) 700-38
Radios across Earth suddenly experience 'technical difficulties.' Once alerted to this trouble, the Autobots trace the source of the trouble the moon-located Megatron and Decepticons. With all sorts of human matters experiencing trouble, many Autobots have a lot on their plates. Fighting the Decepticons head-on, though, falls to Blaster who has been itching to prove the worth of his unique power and Cosmos. Omega Supreme also takes on Astrotrain. However, can they all get the job done? 
38 22 "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court" Douglas Booth October 24, 1985 (1985-10-24) 700-39
It's business as usual between the Autobots and the Decepticons. However, a magical cave throws Hoist, Warpath, Spike, Starscream, Ramjet, Rumble and Ravage for quite a loop. The seven are suddenly in medieval times, and it doesn't take long for each side to encounter locals and secure allies. Though Spike may find love in this time period, the Transformers are in for something else medieval-style action. Can they get back home, however? 
39 23 "The God Gambit" Larry Strauss October 28, 1985 (1985-10-28) 700-41
Space combat takes Astrotrain and other Decepticons to the Saturn moon known as Titan. A magnificent power source can be found there, but so can an alien race. Opposition from them isn't likely, though, because they consider Astrotrain a god per his own manipulations, of course. To prevent a Decepticon victory, Jazz, Perceptor and Omega Supreme will have to either convince the aliens of the truth or fight. 
40 24 "The Core" Dennis Marks October 29, 1985 (1985-10-29) 700-27
A means to forcibly use Devastator for the side of good is found. This proves quite fortuitous, as Megatron and the Decepticons are embarking on a new, dangerous plan. Regardless of the consequences to the planet, they want energy from the Earth's core itself. Worse, they have nearly drilled the whole way there. A showdown is looming underground, but both sides' attempts to use Devastator for their benefit spell disaster for all of them. Can both sides save the day and themselves from Devastator? 
41 25 "Make Tracks" David Wise October 30, 1985 (1985-10-30) 700-42
A rash of car thefts suddenly occurs. The latest theft Tracks in vehicle mode. He is briefly damaged in the process and is unable to save himself. Later, he shows his thief the error of his ways and convinces him to do good. It turns out that all of the thieves are really working for the Decepticons. The stolen cars will be used to create an army against the Autobots. Can Tracks and his new friend foil their plan before it's too late? 
42 26 "The Autobot Run" Donald F. Glut October 31, 1985 (1985-10-31) 700-22
Megatron believes that if the Autobots couldn't transform to robot mode, they would be easy prey for the Decepticons. A new weapon is about to give him the chance to find out. Meanwhile, charity work gives a number of Autobots the chance to help humanity without having to fight in the process. Simple car activities await them, but so does a Decepticon attack. Little time passes before the Autobots are unable to transform and are at the Decepticons' mercy. Saving the day falls to just a handful of Autobots. 
43 27 "Golden Lagoon" Dennis Marks November 4, 1985 (1985-11-04) 700-40
Fierce action leads both Beachcomber and Thrust to stumble upon electrum, a liquid key to invincibility. There is a forest lagoon's worth of the stuff, but only the Decepticons succeed in making a claim. The results, of course, render the Autobots' weapons essentially useless. The only hope that the Autobots have is to try to fight fire with fire, but Megatron isn't about to give them the chance. What price must be paid for victory? 
44 28 "Quest for Survival" David Wise November 5, 1985 (1985-11-05) 700-44
Though the Insecticons are a growing threat, a new insecticide may be able to stop them in their tracks. A trip into space is required to get it, but Bumblebee, Cosmos and Spike easily succeed. The path back to Earth means a confrontation with the Morphobots, dangerous hybrids of plants and robots. As bad as a space confrontation is, things get worse when some Morphobots secretly arrive on Earth with Spike and the two Autobots. The whole team will have to find a way to tamp down this threat a task made more difficult by the Decepticons now after the insecticide. 
45 29 "The Secret of Omega Supreme" David Wise November 6, 1985 (1985-11-06) 700-45
Omega Supreme seems a bit off lately and Optimus wants to know why. After having to order Omega Supreme, Optimus gets more than he bargained for. Long ago, Omega Supreme defended Crystal City, where the good Constructicons also lived. Times were good then, but came to an abrupt end because of Megatron and a little reprogramming. Becoming evil, the Constructicons set out to follow his orders bringing them into conflict with their old friend, Omega Supreme. 
46 30 "Child's Play" Beth Bornstein November 7, 1985 (1985-11-07) 700-43
During an Autobot/Decepticon battle, the space bridge malfunctions. A strange world of massive giants awaits several Autobots and Decepticons. Such a situation isn't easy for those used to be among the tallest around. The Transformers need to find a way back home and one local child is the key. However, this planet is otherwise unwelcome to outsiders. If the Transformers don't hurry, they will be in big trouble. 
47 31 "The Gambler" Michael Charles Hill November 11, 1985 (1985-11-11) 700-46
The Autobots are eager to put recent experiences behind them, but rest-and-relaxation isn't likely to happen. An alien trap leaves everyone but Smokescreen powerless, as well as the ship itself. A little energon can fix this, but the only way to get some presents certain challenges. He is even forced to trust an alien that helped get him into this mess. Now, can Smokescreen master the art of gambling and win big? And can Dirge, Ramjet and Astrotrain be kept at bay throughout all of this? 
48 32 "The Search for Alpha Trion" Beth Bornstein November 12, 1985 (1985-11-12) 700-52
Elita One and her female Autobots make life rather difficult for the Decepticons. Starscream soon successfully leads the counter-effort. Elita One is their prisoner and becomes the bait in a trap for Optimus. The Autobot leader is nearly finished, but Elita One saves him but at a price. With Elita One dying, Optimus races to find the only possible help the legendary Alpha Trion. The search across Cybertron won't be easy or quick, especially with the Decepticons dogging them. Also, with their leaders missing, members of both Optimus' and Elita One's teams opt to work together. 
49 33 "Auto-Bop" David Wise November 13, 1985 (1985-11-13) 700-51
People are partying to music at a local dance club. They are really subtly being mind-controlled to obey Megatron's orders. Soundwave, unsurprisingly, is overseeing this project. The Decepticon-controlled humans soon start seeming weird to casual observers prompting the Autobots to get involved. It will take Tracks, Blaster, Raul and other humans to undo this Decepticon plot. Can they take down Soundwave and find a way to break the mind control? 
50 34 "Prime Target" Flinte Dille & Buzz Dixon November 14, 1985 (1985-11-14) 700-50
Across the globe, one British hunter has amassed an impressive collection of dead animals. The desire for a challenge, though, has prompted him to set sights on the most challenging prey of all, Optimus Prime. However, this hunter is no fool and intends to confront his quarry on his own terms. A number of captured Autobots certainly provides the bait to lure Optimus in. Can the Autobot leader survive what awaits him in the hunter's castle and save the day? 
51 35 "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" David Wise November 18, 1985 (1985-11-18) 700-53
Carnival and birthday fun quickly turns to terror. Fortunately, the Autobots are able to drive the Decepticons away. Powerglide's actions lead to something unexpected: the birthday girl head over heels in love. Now, Powerglide can't get this teenager to leave him alone. On the other hand, if he isn't around, then the Decepticons will definitely be able to use her in their latest plot. On top of that, it all relates to what her own father once built. Can Powerglide save this lovesick teenager again? 
52 36 "Triple Takeover" Larry Strauss November 19, 1985 (1985-11-19) 700-49
Doing things their own way for once appeals to both Astrotrain and Blitzwing. What they come up with, though, is out there. On the one hand, they manage to capture Megatron and Starscream. On the other hand, from there, things get more bizarre. The Autobots find Blitzwing trying to interrogate priceless secrets from a football coach and Astrotrain wreaking havoc in the subways. Not only that, but the Construticons cause further trouble. Resolving these messes won't be easy and the one to do it is the most unlikely Transformer of all. 
53 37 "Sea Change" Douglas Booth November 20, 1985 (1985-11-20) 700-48
The evil Deceptitran has been making life miserable for an alien world and resistance efforts have been slow going. However, one female fighter's encounter with Seaspray may help tip the scales. Head over heels in love, Seaspray is all-too happy to help her. Still, a bigger transformation than anything Transformers regularly do awaits him. Even then, is Seaspray up to the task of defeating Deceptitran? 
54 38 "Hoist Goes Hollywood" Earl Kress November 21, 1985 (1985-11-21) 700-54
Hollywood productions don't always run smoothly, and one case almost sees stuntmen in for real-life trouble. Fortunately, tragedy is averted in the nick of time by Hoist. Since mere thanks aren't enough, Hoist now has a shot at being on the silver screen. Could Hollywood be ready for Hoist and his entourage Sunstreaker, Powerglide, Warpath and Tracks? More importantly, can they overcome a Decepticon plot involving Dirge and one of Wheeljack's inventions? The answers may be more exciting than the movie itself. 
55 39 "The Key to Vector Sigma (Part 1)" David Wise November 25, 1985 (1985-11-25) 700-55
With the Stunticons at their disposal, the Decepticons hope to crush the Autobots once and for all. Problem is, the Stunticons will always be lifeless pieces of metal without the Cybertron-located Vector Sigma. Finding Vector Sigma isn't really the challenge. Finding the Key is. Upon learning that something is up, the Autobots quickly jump into action and the search. It is practically a race to see who will be first to find the Key and use it to access Vector Sigma. 
56 40 "The Key to Vector Sigma (Part 2)" David Wise November 26, 1985 (1985-11-26) 700-56
With the Stunticons operational and the Key in hand, the situation is definitely in the Decepticons' favor. Most severe of all, the Key will allow Megatron to eliminate all organic life on Earth replacing it with technology. The Autobots need new allies the Aerialbots and quickly. Being unable to use Vector Sigma, though, complicates that idea. It will take sacrificing one life to give the Aerialbots' theirs. On top of that, despite his status, Silverbolt has acrophobia. 
57 41 "Masquerade" Donald F. Glut December 16, 1985 (1985-12-16) 700-63
The Decepticons are up to something and a series of thefts by the Stunticons are related. The Stunticons themselves end up biting off more than they can chew against some Autobots and get locked up. The Autobots are still in the dark about Megatron's latest plan, though, but there is a remedy from unsurprisingly Wheeljack. Advanced paint makes Optimus, Jazz, Mirage, Sideswipe and Windcharger look exactly like each of the Stunticons. The plan is infiltrate, learn about and foil Megatron's plan. It won't be easy to pass for the Stunticons while surrounded by Decepticons, though, especially when the real ones escape Autobot captivity. 
58 42 "Trans-Europe Express" David Wise December 23, 1985 (1985-12-23) 700-59
Autobots are suddenly Europe-bound for a charity race. They and every human driver including Augie Canay intend to win and leave the others in their dust. No one realizes that the Decepticons and the Stunticons are lurking about masterminding the whole thing. The Pearl of Bahoudin and Augie's unique car play roles in their latest plot against Earth. The former is especially dangerous if in the wrong hands. It is ultimately up to Bumblebee, Bluestreak, Tracks and Augie to foil them and their plot. 
59 43 "War Dawn" David Wise December 25, 1985 (1985-12-25) 700-58
Megatron threatens Cybertron once again. Though the Autobots and the Aerialbots offer up stiff resistance, the Decepticons are still able to garner a victory of sorts. The Decepticons manage to trap the Aerialbots in a time warp, and they arrive in the distant past. It is the time of Orion Pax, and Alpha Trion ensures that he and others have a big future. Meanwhile, the Megatron of the past is ready to begin his conquest. Though these are pivotal moments in Transformer history, the Aerialbots are more interested in finding a way back to their own time. 
60 44 "Cosmic Rust" Paul Davids December 26, 1985 (1985-12-26) 700-60
Cosmic Rust can threaten all Transformers, and Megatron is soon very contagious. With it spreading fast among Decepticon ranks, they desperately need a cure and fast. Though hardly given a choice in the matter, Perceptor eventually ascertains exactly what is needed Element X. The Statue of Liberty currently has a supply of the stuff, thanks to an earlier Autobot mission. The Decepticons show their gratitude by using Perceptor to spread the Cosmic Rust to the other Autobots and for there to be no cure left for them to use. 
61 45 "Kremzeek!" David Wise December 27, 1985 (1985-12-27) 700-47
Routine matters accidentally result in Kremzeek, who is small, seemingly sentient and made of pure energy. However, this little guy proves to be rather annoying quickly. Worse, he proves to be exceedingly dangerous and the people of Japan are about to learn that firsthand. The Autobots and a local scientist have to move it to counter this literally growing threat. Meanwhile, an energy magnet plays a role in the Decepticons' latest plan. 
62 46 "Starscream's Brigade" Michael Charles Hill January 7, 1986 (1986-01-07) 700-61
Another failure to topple Megatron and a prompt island exile hardly deter Starscream. Abandoned World War II-era vehicles and stolen personality components provide the 'tools' that he needs. In no time, the five Combaticons are online and serving Starscream. These five quickly prove formidable apart and united. Can Megatron possibly overcome Starscream and Bruticus? 
63 47 "The Revenge of Bruticus" Larry Parr January 8, 1986 (1986-01-08) 700-62
The recent defeat has not dampened Starscream and the Combaticons' resolve, which spells bad news for everyone else. They tamper with the space bridge to bring Earth and the sun a lot closer together. All is indeed going well for Starscream, until the Combaticons start thinking for themselves. With Cybertron soon also in danger, a battle royal involving Optimus, Megatron and Bruticus awaits. Meanwhile, chaos on Earth leaves the Protectobots with their hands full. 
64 48 "Aerial Assault" Douglas Booth December 10, 1985 (1985-12-10) 700-57
Plans for an air fortress currently take up the Decepticons and Combaticons' time. An arms smuggler helps them 'acquire' a Middle East palace and airplanes essential to the plot. It's rather complicated, but necessary to maintain secrecy as best as possible. Upon arriving into the region themselves, the Aerialbots try to take care of business. Slingshot and Sky Dive get into big trouble, but are saved by Hassan who has a personal stake in this situation. Will he be enough to help the Aerialbots come out on top? 
65 49 "B.O.T." Earl Kress January 9, 1986 (1986-01-09) 700-64
The Combaticons pursue a personal agenda, which the Protectobots gladly interrupt. The only one to make it out in one piece, Swindle cuts his losses at the other Combaticons' expense by selling them off piece by piece. Megatron, however, wants all of the Combaticons back and gives Swindle proper motivation a timed bomb in the head. Racing against time, Swindle finds his efforts complicated by three college students and their B.O.T. science project. It turns out that they unknowingly used Brawl's personality component, which not only makes B.O.T. 'unique' it also makes it deadly dangerous. All this and another deadly Megatron plot against the Autobots, too. 

The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 animated feature film. It was released in North America on August 8, 1986. Set to an upbeat rock music soundtrack, the movie has a decidedly darker tone than the television series, with detailed visuals in Toei Animation's typical animated feature film styling. The film features several grand battles in which a handful of major characters meet their end.

The story takes place in 2005, twenty years after the events of the TV series' second season and serves as a bridge to the third season. Decepticon villains are more menacing, killing Ironhide, Ratchet, Huffer, Prowl, Brawn, Windcharger and Wheeljack without hesitation. Optimus Prime dies following a battle with Megatron. Later, Megatron is reformed into Galvatron by Unicron, while Skywarp, Thundercracker, Shrapnel, Kickback and Bombshell are reformed as Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps. Starscream is destroyed by Galvatron. Blaster gets four cassettes of his own like Soundwave known as Ramhorn, Steeljaw, Eject and Rewind; however, Soundwave gets a new cassette called Ratbat. At the end of the film, Rodimus Prime becomes the new leader of the Autobots.

Season 3 (1986–1987)

# Title Written by Original airdate Production
66 1 "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1" Flint Dille September 15, 1986 (1986-09-15) 700-86
Much has changed for the Transformers recently. Certainly, though, the Autobots are in the best possible position of all controlling Cybertron. However, unknown assailants put a damper the situation, and at Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike's expense at that. It seems logical for the Autobots to suspect the Decepticons, especially with a supposed witness around. Some truth about this situation awaits on Charr ensuring surprises and danger. Meanwhile, Cyclonus and Scourge want Galvatron back to lead them. 
67 2 "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2" Flint Dille September 16, 1986 (1986-09-16) 700-87
Escaping Charr proves very difficult for the assembled Autobots. The truth about what happened to Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike can only be found by Rodimus in the Matrix. It is truly dire news forcing the Autobots to get moving. Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike face a nasty trial and an even nastier execution from the evil Quintessons. Galvatron, Scourge and Cyclonus intend to further complicate matters for everyone. 
68 3 "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3" Flint Dille September 17, 1986 (1986-09-17) 700-88
Goo is the Autobots' newest, unwanted location. This intergalactic trash dump can be a very inhospitable place, which poor Springer learns the hard way. Still, Goo may be a better alternative than where Blurr and Wheelie wound up. Nightmarish surroundings make things difficult for the two Autobots, Marissa Faireborn and her crew. Meanwhile, more danger looms as the Decepticons and the Quintessons team-up against the Autobots. 
69 4 "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4" Flint Dille September 18, 1986 (1986-09-18) 700-89
Things look bad for the Autobots on Goo, but they are saved by Galvatron's arrival and intent to get up to speed on recent events. While all of the Autobots busily regroup, Galvatron and the Quintessons hammer out a deal. Meanwhile, Rodimus again secures information from the Matrix, and it is again not pretty. A bitter history exists between Transformers and Quintessons, which means trouble for both sides now. However, is it already too late to foil the Quintessons' ultimate goal? 
70 5 "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" Flint Dille September 19, 1986 (1986-09-19) 700-90
The Autobots and the Decepticons continue their massive struggle for Cybertron. There won't be any victors among any of them, though, if the Quintessons have their way. Only the most unlikely one of all can stop them. Meanwhile, Earth is suddenly no safer than Cybertron. Metroplex faces big trouble from the Constructions and Trypticon. Saving Metroplex and Earth requires Sky Lynx to get his teammate a transformation cog, but the Predacons intend to stop him. 
71 6 "The Killing Jar" Michael Charles Hill & Joey Kurihara Piedra September 29, 1986 (1986-09-29) 700-91
An unusual grouping of individuals would be Ultra Magnus, Cyclonus, Wreck-Gar and Marissa Faireborn. However, they suddenly find themselves together courtesy of the Quintessons. Bizarre, nasty tests on a Quintesson ship await these four because of their common enemies' 'quest for knowledge.' A black hole threatens them all. Only teamwork can save the day. 
72 7 "Chaos" Paul Davids September 30, 1986 (1986-09-30) 700-92
Long before the current struggles began, Kup had the misfortune of encountering the vile Chaos. Now, old memories are about to get stirred up. Chaos's unique crystals prove to be the power source of a new, dangerous weapon. Though one such weapon was only in the hands of another alien, the resulting trouble is enough to draw the attention of Galvatron to these crystals. With Cybertron and possibly more at risk, Kup leads a counter effort and faces Chaos once again. 
73 8 "Dark Awakening" Antoni Zalewski October 1, 1986 (1986-10-01) 700-93
Fleeing Galvatron once again, Spike, Daniel and several Autobots need some shelter. A virtual mausoleum awaits and proves to be home to the very much alive Optimus. This is certainly cause for excitement among the Autobots and two humans, even though Rodimus Prime must relinquish command and more before returning to merely being Hot Rod. The Quintessons are at work here, and they will use Optimus to destroy them all. 
74 9 "Starscream's Ghost" Megeen McLaughlin October 2, 1986 (1986-10-02) 700-95
Octane faces either life on the run or some very angry Decepticons. Despite Sandstorm's help, there is little protection that the Autobots can actually offer him. An ancient Decepticon crypt appears to work out, though. This crypt is home to the very vengeful ghost of Starscream. With Cyclonus soon under his control, Starscream is ready to pay Galvatron back for destroying him. 
75 10 "Thief in the Night" Paul Davids October 6, 1986 (1986-10-06) 700-96
Trypticon was last seen getting a severe beating from Metroplex. Octane, however, stumbles upon his weakened comrade and starts getting an idea. Both in need of power, Octane and Trypticon are soon before King Fakhaddi of Carbombya. Both sides promise to aid the other, which suddenly means the inexplicable theft of famous landmarks. Of course, it doesn't take long for realization to strike either the Autobots or the Decepticons. 
76 11 "Forever Is a Long Time Coming" Gerry Conway & Carla Conway October 8, 1986 (1986-10-08) 700-94
The latest Quintesson plot threatens to undo millions of years of history. If they succeed, the Transformers' revolt will end much differently. The Autobot effort to stop the Quintessons, though, leads to chaos and a little unwanted time travel. A firsthand experience of that very Transformer revolt awaits several Autobots. Back in the present, the remaining Autobots must look after A-3 of the past, who is far more important than he initially appears. On top of all that, the Quintessons' time portal creates disaster throughout the universe. Can the Autobots set everything right? 
77 12 "Surprise Party" Steve Mitchell & Barbara Petty October 9, 1986 (1986-10-09) 700-97
Daniel gets a big birthday surprise from family and friends. However, tragedy almost befalls Wheelie, but is thankfully averted by Ultra Magnus. Given the recent birthday festivities, Wheelie and Daniel know exactly how to return the favor. They get down to some party planning, but the date of Ultra Magnus' birthday is completely unknown. A hall of records near Cybertron may hold the information, but Cyclonus and a lot of trouble also await Wheelie and Daniel there. 
78 13 "Madman's Paradise" Craig Rand October 13, 1986 (1986-10-13) 700-98
An ambassador and a high-profile banquet give Spike and Carly a lot to handle. The one thing that they didn't count on being a big problem, though, is Daniel. He eventually leaves out of boredom and to find something interesting to do. He and Grimlock quickly get more than they bargained for. A Quintesson chamber strands them in another dimension, where the Golden One and the Red Wizard wage war for control. Getting caught up in the war is a given for Grimlock and Daniel, but do they choose the right side? More importantly, how are they going to get home? 
79 14 "Carnage in C-Minor" Buzz Dixon October 14, 1986 (1986-10-14) 700-102
With a more sound-influenced culture and such, Eurhythma is indeed one loud and musical place. Though not without its merits, a downside of this is the potential for destruction by combining Allegra, Zebop Scandana and Basso Profundo's unique voices. Problem is, such a trick soon isn't secret from the Autobots and the Decepticons. It is practically a race between both sides to gain the three aliens' trust, obtain their voices and stop the other side all at once. 
80 15 "Fight or Flee" Tony Cinciripini & Larry Leahy October 15, 1986 (1986-10-15) 700-106
For some time now, peace rather than fighting has been the way of life for Sandstorm and several Autobots. This existence and their very planet Paradron are suddenly threatened, however, by the Decepticons. It turns out that Paradron is home to great power, which the Decepticons want to destroy their enemies. Soon enough, the more familiar Autobots head into action, but they cannot win without help from Sandstorm's team. What will they do, and what will ultimately result? 
81 16 "Webworld" Len Wein & Diane Duane October 20, 1986 (1986-10-20) 700-101
There is a planet full of people that specialize in mental therapy. Whatever previous patients have been there, though, are nothing compared to the newest one Galvatron. The Decepticon leader is indeed quite 'off' and some on his team would rather see him in therapy rather than not. This may be the opportunity of a lifetime for the local doctors, but Galvatron obviously is hardly an agreeable patient. Is there anything that the doctors can do to change that and in the end him? 
82 17 "Ghost in the Machine" Michael Charles Hill & Joey Kurihara Piedra October 21, 1986 (1986-10-21) 700-100
Though he can control Scourge's body, Starscream just wants one of his own again. There is only one that can make that happen however, Unicron, whose head is still dormant and in orbit around Cybertron. Soon conscious again, however, Unicron hears Starscream out and then reveals a request of his own. Also wanting a new body, he makes a deal that requires Starscream to acquire the needed parts for him. Needless to say, chaos soon ensues for both the Autobots and the Decepticons. 
83 18 "The Dweller in the Depths" Paul Dini October 30, 1986 (1986-10-30) 700-107
While things are good for the Autobots on Cybertron's surface, the planet's barren core proves to be home to dark things of considerable power. The Quintessons know exactly what is down there and want to release them, but they can't do so on their own. They trick Galvatron into doing it and disaster results. The dangerous Trans-Organics soon run rampant, and one the Dweller begins taking over every Autobot and Decepticon in sight. 
84 19 "Nightmare Planet" Beth Bornstein October 31, 1986 (1986-10-31) 700-99
Nightmares are a normal part of life, but Daniel's these days seem to be getting worse and worse. Naturally, there is something more going on here than some rough nights. This only becomes apparent to the Autobots and the Predacons when they somehow wind up entering them. Forced to team-up, the Transformers try to face down the nightmarish creations and figure out what is behind all of this. 
85 20 "The Ultimate Weapon" Arthur Byron Cover November 10, 1986 (1986-11-10) 700-104
Swindle sneaks his way past the Autobots and goes right for Metroplex. In no time, the big Autobot is without a transformation cog and First Aid blames himself for the whole incident. Now, the Autobots may have to make do without First Aid from now on. Meanwhile, a powerful weapon may or may not be under Galvatron's control. With the Decepticon leader making major threats, Rodimus must decide whether or not to change things. 
86 21 "The Quintesson Journal" Richard Merwin November 11, 1986 (1986-11-11) 700-103
Knowing of a destructive war between Zetaxxis and Lanarq, the Autobots attempt to bring about a much-needed peace. Such a thing, of course, is easier said than done. There is a further complication, too Quintesson weaponry being used in the war. Given that, some of the Autobots suspect something fishy is going on. A Quintesson Journal provides all of the evidence, but the Quintessons will do whatever it takes to stop the Autobots from sharing said information. 
87 22 "The Big Broadcast of 2006" Michael Reaves November 12, 1986 (1986-11-12) 700-105
A Quintesson journal lies hidden somewhere on the Planet of Junk. Naturally, the Quintessons desperately want it back, but the Junkions pose an obvious problem. The solution is subliminal messages that leave the Junkions attacking whoever they encounter, such as Sky Lynx and Astrotrain. A sudden screw-up then does the opposite to the Junkions. The rest of the galaxy also soon hears the messages, and chaos results quickly. What are the Autobots and the Decepticons each going to do about this? 
88 23 "Only Human" Susan K. Williams November 13, 1986 (1986-11-13) 700-108
Victor Drath has had enough of the Autobots ruining his plans. He secures help from Ol' Snake (none other than the notorious Cobra Commander) making for the beginnings of a deadly plot against Autobot City. A sneak attack disables Rodimus, Springer, Arcee and Ultra Magnus, and they are surprised to wake up in artificial human bodies. Drath and Ol' Snake intend to finish them off and strike the city with their Autobot bodies. Lacking their usual weapons and abilities, can the four Autobots get by as humans and foil their enemies' plot? 
89 24 "Grimlock's New Brain" Paul Davids November 14, 1986 (1986-11-14) 700-110
Anti-electrons are released and wreak havoc on whatever Transformers they encounter, as well as a power generator deep beneath Cybertron's surface. Grimlock takes a nasty hit himself before the Autobots tamp this problem down. Surprisingly, though, Grimlock is now the smartest Transformer of all. As part of his new genius attitude, he deduces that the Decepticons caused the trouble in the first place and what their next move is. Meanwhile, those were the last of Galvatron's anti-electrons. The dormant Unicron holds more, however setting the stage for a showdown. 
90 25 "Money Is Everything" Gerry Conway & Carla Conway November 17, 1986 (1986-11-17) 700-109
The conniving and space-faring Dirk Mannis runs into a lot of trouble from Marissa Faireborn and the Technobots. While Dirk is in custody, it is revealed that he somehow got a hold of the dangerous Recreator and intended to sell it to the highest bidder. It also turns out that the Quintessons expressed the most interest in it, but they didn't pay for it. Now, Marissa, the Technobots and Dirk need to get the Recreator back from the Quintessons before it's too late. 
91 26 "Call of the Primitives" Donald F. Glut November 18, 1986 (1986-11-18) 700-112
The evil Primacron has plans for universal conquest. His means of this is Tornadron, who is possibly powerful enough to destroy every Transformer and whatever else gets in his way. Unaware of Primacron's machinations, the Autobots and the Decepticons are busy again fighting each other. Suddenly, however, a strange signal gets the more primitive Transformers' attention. These usual enemies ultimately find Primacron's own assistant, who explains the situation and requests their help against his master. If they can't work together, everything they know and more will be doomed. 
92 27 "The Burden Hardest to Bear" Michael Charles Hill November 19, 1986 (1986-11-19) 700-114
Leading the Autobots is full of pressures and tasks. Of course, it all takes a heavy toll on Rodimus, and he really can't take it much more. An attempt to relax just gets him into a nasty fight with the Stunticons. The results are the Autobot Matrix of Leadership exiting his body, the Stunticons stealing it and a reversion to Hod Rod. Though enduring a major defeat, being a normal Autobot again more than makes up for it as far as Hod Rod is concerned. Problem is, the Autobot Matrix of Leadership is soon in the worst possible hands Scourge, who has big plans in store. 
93 28 "The Face of the Nijika" Mary Skrenes & Steve Skeates November 20, 1986 (1986-11-20) 700-113
A clash with Autobots forces Quintessons to flee. A Quadrant Lock is the Quintessons' only possibly refuge, but things go very wrong. The Autobots and the Quintessons find themselves unable to exit the Quadrant Lock the way they entered, and they aren't alone. It turns out that the entire planet Zimojin has spent thousands of years there because of the Quintessons. Naturally, the Zimojins still hold quite a grudge. The key to escape for all ultimately lies in Perceptor, but Katsudan inadvertently gives him trouble first. 
94 29 "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1" Story: Cherie Wilkerson & Marv Wolfman
Teleplay: Michael Charles Hill
March 2, 1987 (1987-03-02) 700-115
Ship alloy testing leads Jessica Morgan and the Transformers hating Gregory Swafford to inadvertently stumble upon two things the ship Optimus was last seen on and the Hate Spores. The former Autobot leader's body is still intact, and while this is knowledge worth sharing with the team, Gregory has other ideas. When a later battle involving Protectobots, Technobots and Terrorcons injures Jessica by paralysing her legs, her father comes around to the same thinking. Thus, they lure the Autobot team to Optimus' body and release the Hate Spores. This works too well, however, as the infection rate grows exponentially. Among the few uninfected is Sky Lynx, who works with a Quintesson to revive the only one that can end the Hate Plague Optimus Prime himself. 
95 30 "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2" Story: Cherie Wilkerson & Marv Wolfman
Teleplay: Michael Charles Hill
March 3, 1987 (1987-03-03) 700-116
Optimus is back, but with the Hate Plague spreading, there is no time to rejoice. The Quintesson provides further aid giving Optimus some extra numbers on a mission to retrieve the stolen, crucial ship alloy on Charr. Given the current situation, Galvatron must also help, but there are still great dangers between them and the ship alloy. More fall to the Hate Plague, as Optimus acquires the ship alloy. Once it is grafted onto his body, Optimus is ready to battle the infected Rodimus Prime for the only real cure to the Hate Plague the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Will Optimus succeed, or is it already too late? 

Season 4's title sequence was made of parts from the others and TV commercals with Season 3 music

Season 4 (1987)

# Title Written by Original airdate Production
96 1 "The Rebirth, Part 1" David Wise November 9, 1987 (1987-11-09) 6701-0001
While much has changed and there has been a peaceful lull lately, the Decepticons are happy to get back to basics. Soon, Autobot City is a mess and the Plasma Energy Chamber key is stolen. The fight moves to Cybertron. An unexpected reaction from the plasma energy chamber, leaves a number of Transformers on both sides (plus Spike and Daniel) on Nebulos. Greater fighting awaits there, as machine-hating Nebulons seek to overthrow the evil Lord Zarak and the Hive. Getting back home is, of course, on hold for the recent arrivals to Nebulos. However, the Hive appears unstoppable and only something truly radical may work against them. 
97 2 "The Rebirth, Part 2" David Wise November 10, 1987 (1987-11-10) 6701-0002
The tide appears to be turning, as the Headmasters score a major and a much-needed victory. Unwilling to let this stand, though, Lord Zarak and the Hive get to work using five Decepticons and five of their Nebulons to counter them. The Targetmasters are soon online ready to strike back and hard. Will they be too much for the Headmasters and company to handle? Also, Autobots and Decepticons back Cybertron-side haven't forgotten their missing teammates and friends. However, while they all struggle searching, Optimus obtains the needed answers and more from Vector Sigma and an old face. 
98 3 "The Rebirth, Part 3" David Wise November 11, 1987 (1987-11-11) 6701-0003
With Arcee, Daniel and the Plasma Energy Chamber key, Galvatron embarks on a new plan for great power threatening to destroy Earth and possibly Cybertron. On top of that, the remaining Decepticons and the Hive's Scorponok are coming. Every available Autobot and ally will be needed for the coming fight, but they may be overmatched this time. The real answer lies on Nebulos, where Spike and Cerebros find a Hive city. Said city may provide the most powerful weapon of all. 

This is the end of the American series. The Transformers continued in Japan as Transformers: Headmasters with 35 new episodes; however, it ignores the events of "The Rebirth". A fifth season was aired but consisted entirely of re-runs of previous episodes being told as stories by Powermaster Optimus Prime.

Generation 2

Season 1 (1993-1998)

Generation 2 episodes were all taken from Generation 1, which were previously produced but with added effects and editing.

# Title Written by Original airdate Production
1 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 1)" George Arthur Bloom August 19, 1993 (1993-08-19) TG2-1
2 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 2)" George Arthur Bloom August 27, 1993 (1993-08-27) TG2-2
3 "More Than Meets the Eye (Part 3)" George Arthur Bloom September 3, 1993 (1993-09-03) TG2-3
4 "Transport to Oblivion" Dick Robbins & Bryce Malek September 28, 1993 (1993-09-28)
5 "Roll for It" George Arthur Bloom January 1, 1994 (1994-01-01)
6 "S.O.S. Dinobots" Donald F. Glut June 11, 1994 (1994-06-11) TG2-4
7 "Fire on the Mountain" Douglas Booth November 28, 1994 (1994-11-28) TG2-27
8 "War of the Dinobots" Donald F. Glut September 12, 1994 (1994-09-12)
9 "The Ultimate Doom: Brainwash (Part 1)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Larry Strauss
November 7, 1994 (1994-11-07) TG2-46
10 "The Ultimate Doom: Search (Part 2)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Earl Kress
November 8, 1994 (1994-11-08) TG2-47
11 "The Ultimate Doom: Revival (Part 3)" Story: Douglas Booth
Teleplay: Leo D. Paur
November 9, 1993 (1993-11-09) TG2-48
12 "Countdown to Extinction" Reed Robbins & Peter Salas November 29, 1994 (1994-11-29) TG2-28
13 "Heavy Metal War" Donald F. Glut June 18, 1994 (1994-06-18)
14 "Autobot Spike" Donald F. Glut November 1, 1994 (1994-11-01) TG2-29
15 "Dinobot Island (Part 1)" Donald F. Glut July 9, 1995 (1995-07-09) TG2-8
16 "Dinobot Island (Part 2)" Donald F. Glut July 16, 1995 (1995-07-16) TG2-9
17 "Enter the Nightbird" Sylvia Wilson & Richard Milton October 12, 1995 (1995-10-12) TG2-34
18 "Changing Gears" Larry Parr October 4, 1995 (1995-10-04) TG2-30
19 "A Prime Problem" Dick Robbins & Bryce Malek October 14, 1995 (1995-10-14) TG2-35
20 "Atlantis, Arise!" Douglas Booth September 13, 1993 (1993-09-13)
21 "Attack of the Autobots" David Wise October 1, 1996 (1996-10-01) TG2-31
22 "Microbots" David Wise October 20, 1996 (1996-10-20) TG2-37
23 "The Master Builder" David N. Gottlieb & Herb Engelhart July 23, 1996 (1996-07-23) TG2-10
24 "The Insecticon Syndrome" Douglas Booth October 17, 1996 (1996-10-17) TG2-36
25 "Day of the Machines" David Wise October 10, 1996 (1996-10-10) TG2-39
26 "Megatron's Master Plan (Part 1)" Donald F. Glut November 15, 1996 (1996-11-15) TG2-51
27 "Megatron's Master Plan (Part 2)" Donald F. Glut November 16, 1996 (1996-11-16) TG2-52
28 "Auto Berserk" Antoni Zalewski September 14, 1996 (1996-09-14)
29 "City of Steel" Douglas Booth November 22, 1993 (1993-11-22) TG2-32
30 "Desertion of the Dinobots (Part 1)" Earl Kress November 3, 1996 (1996-11-03) TG2-49
31 "Desertion of the Dinobots (Part 2)" Earl Kress November 4, 1996 (1996-11-04) TG2-50
32 "Blaster Blues" Larry Strauss October 21, 1996 (1996-10-21) TG2-38
33 "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court" Douglas Booth July 30, 1996 (1996-07-30) TG2-11
34 "The Core" Dennis Marks July 2, 1996 (1996-07-02) TG2-7
35 "The Autobot Run" Donald F. Glut June 25, 1997 (1997-06-25)
36 "The Golden Lagoon" Dennis Marks August 6, 1997 (1997-08-06) TG2-12
37 "The Search for Alpha Trion" Beth Bornstein October 28, 1997 (1997-10-28) TG2-40
38 "Prime Target" Flinte Dille & Buzz Dixon August 13, 1997 (1997-08-13) TG2-13
39 "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" David Wise November 2, 1997 (1997-11-02) TG2-41
40 "Triple Takeover" Larry Strauss September 16, 1997 (1997-09-16)
41 "Sea Change" Douglas Booth October 27, 1998 (1998-10-27) TG2-39
42 "Masquerade" Donald F. Glut September 21, 1998 (1998-09-21)
43 "Trans-Europe Express" David Wise November 21, 1998 (1998-11-21) TG2-43
44 "Cosmic Rust" Paul Davids November 14, 1998 (1998-11-14) TG2-44
45 "Kremzeek!" David Wise September 15, 1998 (1998-09-15)
46 "Starscream's Brigade" Michael Charles Hill September 19, 1998 (1998-09-19)
47 "The Revenge of Bruticus" Larry Parr September 20, 1998 (1998-09-20)
48 "Aerial Assault" Douglas Booth November 11, 1998 (1998-11-11) TG2-42
49 "B.O.T." Earl Kress November 10, 1998 (1998-11-10) TG2-45
50 "Fight or Flee" Tony Cincirpini & Larry Leahy September 26, 1993 (1993-09-26)
51 "Ghost in the Machine" Michael Charles Hill & Joey Kurihara Piedra September 22, 1998 (1998-09-22)
52 "The Ultimate Weapon" Arthur Byron Cover December 26, 1998 (1998-12-26)

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